In the Studio: A Glimpse of Our Creative Sanctuary

We are back from our annual Holly Lane retreat and ready to go with new ideas and fresh perspectives for the new year! This year the team travelled back to Kill Devil Hills, NC for the second year in a row after having such a wonderful, relaxing time last year. Our AirBnB on the ocean was the perfect place to reflect on the last year and make plans for 2025. We talked about slowing down and being intentional about the work we’ve committed to tackle. Each team member received the book Holy Hygge by Jamie Erickson which talks about creating a warm, inviting space in the home in which to welcome others and share Christ. This is the environment we aim to create in the workplace too as we slow down, cozy up, speak kindly and work intentionally. 

For fun we sat together and experimented with water color, trying something new and creative and it turns out we have a very talented team! We also visited an escape room this trip and had a great time team building as we solved puzzles together and broke out of the room just in time! (or maybe just a few seconds later, lol)

At the end of it all, I couldn’t help but feel so very blessed by my remarkable, hard working team that is a gift to me every day. I love spending time with this crew and will be excited to see where next year takes us!

February 26, 2025 by Alison Feuring

Coming Soon: Sneak Peek Into Our Workshop

Many of you have noticed the One-of-a-Kind hummingbird pieces I’ve been experimenting with lately. Well for those of you who love these sweet little birds, I’ve got great news! A hummingbird collection, based on faith, is on its way!

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see.”

-Hebrews 11:1

I decided this precious little hummingbird was just right for reminding us to persist in faith because just as you cannot see the wings of a hummingbird beating you know they are what keeps it alight. We have faith in the unseen. Keep a look out for this new collection. It is coming soon!

February 26, 2025 by Tiffany Scott

Coming Soon: Sneak Peek Into Our Workshop

Soon we’ll be opening up GOLD pre orders again so you can order for Christmas but I need to know what you’d like to see in gold so we can get a few cast and photographed. These 14k carat beauties would make such meaningful gifts for that special person in your life. So, let me know! Which Holly Lane charms would you like to see in gold? Message us here. :) I’ll be sure to review all the requests and see which ones we get the most requests for so you can preview and pre order them in October. I can’t wait to see what you are looking for!

September 20, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

Favorites This Month: Spotlight on Timeless Treasures

Faith Over Fear launched last week and received a very positive response! I was so happy to see so many of you embracing the verse in Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Pieces like Faith Over Fear, But God, Always Present and Deep Waters are all designed to help you remember God’s promises to be with you in difficult times. It’s my hope that you will pick one of these verses to hide in your heart so you can lean on their words when you are struggling. 

In honor of this hard month, we have partnered with Fresh Hope for Mental Health and will be donating a portion of our sales to support this important ministry. Fresh Hope for Mental Health is a network of Christian peer support groups designed to empower individuals with a mental health diagnosis—and their loved ones—to live a full and faith-filled life. They focus on providing hope in Christ while supporting people struggling with mental health challenges.

Also, please know that you are always welcome to recommend a verse through our contact us link. I look for God to lead me through my own personal experiences, His word and your suggestions. 

September 20, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

Stay in the Loop

It’s true. I’m doing fewer shows these days. My kids are all grown and out from under the table (who remembers those days?) so I don’t have quite the help on the road I used to. Plenty of people have offered to help out but after 20 years of traveling, I’m happy to slow down a little. There are only three shows you can catch me at this fall and I hope you will come out and say hi! I do love seeing you all at shows so I’m super excited for Roanoke, Ocean City and Richmond. See you soon!

Roanoke, VA at the Craftsman’s Classic

At the Berglund Center. Free admission with your donation of a canned good.

October 4th-6th

Ocean City, MD at Sunfest

Set in the Inlet parking lot. Loads of good food, fun and music.

October 24th-27th

Richmond, VA at the Craftsman’s Classic 

Two full buildings of beautiful arts and crafts at the Richmond Raceway.

November 1st-3rd

September 20, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

In the Studio: A Glimpse of Our Creative Sanctuary

Fall show season kicks off for us here at Holly Lane, with our biggest show of the year, the Yellow Daisy Festival! It is coming up on us quickly and there is soooo much to do to get ready. One-of-a-Kinds need to be completed, jewelry needs to be shined up, packed and ready to put on display. Jewelry pouches and totes need to be counted and packed,. Plus, the story card box needs to be doubled so we don’t run out of verse cards, and so much more!

 Our usual 10x15 booth will expand into a 20x20 booth with extra tables and display fixtures. All of this needs to be packed into my trailer along with some essentials, to make our booth cozy and comfortable. We’ll be hauling fans, outdoor carpets and lots of lights to brighten up our shaded booth. It is quite the event and Kathleen and I are so looking forward to the festival!

 I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta September 5th-8th or at one of our many fall shows!

August 23, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

On A Personal Note


Today is the day that the kiddos and I leave for a weekend trip to spread George’s ashes. The sudden loss of my husband of 31 years to suicide last September 11th, was a complete shock. and We all miss him deeply and dearly. It’s been a hard year filled with lots of difficult events and emotions. My feelings surrounding his death are complicated and messy.

 I feel angry at times that he chose to leave. I am peaceful at times knowing he is in the Lord's hands. And sometimes I feel all these things at once. I miss him. The kids miss him. His dad misses him. His sister. My sister. The list goes on. Those who knew him miss his cheerful demeanor and his smile. I miss my best friend. Because of the pain he was in, I understand. And sometimes I don’t. But I trust in God’s plan for us all.

I know God is with me. I’ve felt it and I have hope for the future. Friends, this has been profoundly difficult and I know many of you are going through your own deep waters even now. All I can say is hold on to hope. You are loved and held.

 This weekend I covet your prayers for my kids and their healing and for all of us who are missing George. And I want to thank you for all the love and support you have shown us this past year. Thank you. 💕

August 23, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

Coming Soon: Sneak Peek Into our Workshop


This year in honor of Suicide Prevention Month, we are launching our new Faith Over Fear pendant inspired by Psalm 56:3.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Psalm 56:3

David chose to trust in God instead of giving into fear when surrounded by his enemies. When we put our faith over our fear we can mirror the faith of David and rest in the assurances of Christ. I pray through difficult times we will choose to trust.

August 23, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

Favorites This Month: Spotlight on Timeless Treasures

It seems God is never through shaping our lives. He takes us through difficult times to show us His strength, beautiful moments to show us His love and all things in between. He is writing our stories with a love like no other. These are stories we can share with others to witness His greatness.

 I have a sterling charm bracelet I put together years ago. It reminds me of the different promises God has given me to lean on and celebrate. I wear it often to remind me of His goodness. I love how charm bracelets give you an opportunity to collect memories and in this case, promises.They also give you the opportunity to share your story of God’s love and grace.

 Have you started a charm bracelet? We’d love to see it!

Tag us on Instagram @hollylanedesigns or Facebook @HollyLaneChristianJewelry

August 23, 2024 by Tiffany Scott

In the Studio: A Glimpse of Our Creative Sanctuary


Hi Everyone! We’ve been working hard over here in the studio, and I have to tell you, I am very excited about Christmas in July this year. We have so much planned for the month! I can’t wait for you to see all the new creative projects we’ve been working on. Each project has been inspired by God’s love and grace.

We have been pouring our hearts into unique pieces and special events, and I am thrilled to see everything come together. We’ve got One-of-a-kind pieces, new collection pieces, exclusive offers, and surprise gifts lined up just for you! 

Stay tuned because July will be so much fun, filled with creativity, joy, and the boundless love of God!

June 28, 2024 by Tiffany Scott